Chilli Cornbread
I love cornbread. One of my favourite winter dinners is a big bowl full of chilli that has been cooking away in the crockpot all day, served with a couple of chunks of cornbread. This […]
Read MoreCotton Dishcloth Lovin’ part 3
I found a local supply of dishcloth cotton! Hubby and I were in Upper Hutt this morning and we popped into the mall to visit Lincraft. This was my first visit to this particular store. […]
Read MoreHomemade peanut butter
I have been making my own nut butters for a few years now. Peanut butter is so cheap and easy to make, I can’t really even justify calling this a recipe. I prefer to buy […]
Read MoreMind your P’s (passionfruit) and Q’s (Quince)
My late father law was an avid gardener and when he passed away, instead of flowers from work, I requested fruit trees. I felt this was a better way to remember him as he always […]
Read MoreCotton Dishcloth Lovin’ Part 2
I was given a dishcloth pattern last week. There was no picture on the pattern so when I got home, I started knitting one straight away to see what it looked like. It was quite […]
Read MoreBeetroot Pickle
When I was growing up, I couldn’t stand beetroot. It would be served at every BBQ and family gathering we went to and it was nearly always from a tin and had an overwhelming taste […]
Read MoreChicken Apricot Pie
My recipe for Apricot and chicken stew serves 4 so I had some leftovers after I had made it as there was just 2 of us for dinner that night. I always make sure I use […]
Read MoreApricot and Chicken stew
I always have at least 7 jars of various different relishes, pickles, sauces etc in my fridge at any one time and I periodically go on a mission to use up the contents of the […]
Read MoreWarm kumera salad
I had a kumera knocking round in the vege basket that needed to be used up and some haloumi that we brought before Christmas that also needed to be used up so this quick and […]
Read MoreCheesy scone bites
I was trawling though my pinterest feed the other day when I came across a pin for some delicious looking garlic cheese bombs I clicked on the pin to go to the website and check […]
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