Christmas gifts / Homemade / Love food hate waste / Recipes

Cheese roll filling – aka Cheese “Crack”

One of the things we got given for Christmas was a jar of Cheese roll filling.  For those of you not familiar with what a cheese roll is, it is a slice of white bread, spread with a cheese mix, rolled up, coated in butter and fried in a pan.  They originated in Southland which is in the South Island of New Zealand and are absolutely delicious.  This website explains the origins.

Anyho’ back to the jar of cheese roll filling, or as it is now known in our house, Cheese “Crack”.  This is because it is insanely addictive and can be eaten with just about anything.  First the recipe (courtesy of G who gave me the jar for Christmas)

1 tin of evaporated milk

1 packet Onion soup mix

1 cup tasty grated cheese

1 tsp mustard powder (I used Colmans English mustard powder)

Put all of the ingredients in a pot and stir with a whisk over medium heat.  Once all the cheese is melted and the sauce has thickened, turn off the heat and let it cool until it is warm.  Put into a steralised jar and store in the fridge for up to a week (if it lasts that long)

Some of the ways I have used my jar of Cheese Crack

  • On crackers (with extra cheese if you like)
  • On toast with apricot jam (or just by itself)
  • On a spoon straight out of the jar (my fav way of eating it)
  • Spread on slices of apple or pear (or just dip them in the jar)
  • In a ham sandwich
  • As a sauce for Mac n Cheese
  • Mixed through a bowl of noodles
  • Spooned over hot steamed veges
  • As a sauce on everything (I treat it like tomato sauce)

The possibilities are endless and I just keep making more and filling the jar back up. 

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