Gardening / homegrown / Homemade / Love food hate waste / menu planning / recycling

Homemade dried herbs

I have an abundant herb garden and all of the plants are going nuts at the moment with the rain and hot weather we have had.  I like to pick big bunches and hang them to dry in my kitchen.  At the moment, I have parsley and marjoram hanging to dry.

I wait for a dry day and collect the herbs, making sure I discard any dead leaves.  I tie them up with some string and hang them in the kitchen by my knife magnet as that area gets afternoon sun.  They are normally ready to pop into a jar in about 4 weeks during the summer and 6 – 8 weeks in winter.  Once they are dry I crumble the leaves into a bowl, discarding the stalks, and transfer to a recycled jar for use as required.  I have a full jar of oregano that I have been adding to everything at the moment. 

With the cost of groceries increasing every week, this is a way to save a bit of money as 10g of dried oregano is $2.50 at my local supermarket.  You could also pop the leaves into a blender or spice grinder to give a finer texture as I like mine quite coarse and just break the dried leaves up with my fingers.

Marjoram and Parsley hanging to dry
Homegrown dried oregano

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