Homemade / Local

Weekend wanderings

We had beautiful weather on the weekend, more like Summer than Autumn, so I thought I would share a bit of what we got up to.

I grabbed some ripe figs at the vege market first thing Saturday morning and had them on toast with some cream cheese.  Delish!

I soaked and washed my reusable vege bags as they were looking a bit dirty and the weather was perfect for drying some washing

We went for a big walk up to the Mt Victoria lookout and down the other side to Oriental Bay, then walked up Kent Terrace and round the Basin Reserve back home, a solid 10km walk.

Harvested some cherry tomatoes that just keep on keeping on and also the first of my Tomatillos which became a very delicious salsa

Cooked the best chicken and black pepper curry from this awesome cookbook for dinner

And to top off the weekend we lit the fire pit.  Sadly we couldn’t indulge in smores as we didn’t have any marshmellows left and neither of us could be bothered going to get any so it was a piece of chocolate and a cup of tea instead.

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