Crochet / Handmade / Homemade / Me made wardrobe / Sewing

February Project Round Up

Three projects completed in February, was a bit of a busy month social wise so I didn’t spend as much time as I would have liked in the sewing room.

It was my friend J’s birthday at the end of the month and she wants to learn how to knit socks so we got her all the fixings and I made her a project bag to pop everything into.  You may recognise the fabric, the outside is leftover from the project bag I made my mum for Christmas and the lining is from a dress I made a few years ago. 

I actually made myself a dress!  I haven’t sewn myself any clothes for a while but got the urge to sew the La Lupita wrap dress that I had in my to do queue for a while and it was such an easy pattern to sew and super comfy.  I recommend this one if you are looking for a quick easy summer dress.


And I finished my crochet skirt I started in January.  No pattern for this one, I just did 12 granny squares per row, decreased the top to get a nice fitting waist and made a tie that I threaded through and did a border for the hem.  I love how it turned out and can’t wait for it to get cooler now so I can wear it.

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