Zucchini Tomato Sauce
The next chapter in the Zucchini glut saga is making some zucchini tomato sauce. I have loosely based this on Nicola Galloway’s Roasted tomato and courgette harvest sauce recipe.
I used tinned tomatoes as our homegrown ones aren’t ripe yet and fresh tomatoes are stupidly expensive at the moment. I wanted to make the zucchini the star of the sauce.
I used the following ingredients:
- 2 jars whole peeled tomatoes and their sauce
- approx 1.5kg zucchini, what I had in the fridge
- 1/2 capsicum
- 1/2 bulb garlic cloves, peeled
- 1 tbsp dried oregano
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 onion
- apple cider vinegar, about 1/2 cup
- Rapeseed oil, 2 tablespoons

I chopped the zucchini and capsicum into similar sized chunks and sliced the onions and popped it all into the oven tray, added the garlic cloves, oregano, tinned tomatoes, salt and oil. I tipped 1/4 cup of the apple cider vinegar into each tomato can and swished it around to get the last of the tomato and tipped this into the tray as well and gave it all a good mix up. It went into the preheated oven, 160 degrees C, for 60 mins.

While the veges were cooking, I raided my recycled jar stash and soaked some of the jars to remove the labels then washed the jars and the lids in hot soapy water.

Once the hour was up, I removed the tray from the oven and left it to cool for 5 mins while I added the jars to the oven to sterilise. Once it had cooled a bit, I tipped the sauce into a big pot and blitzed with a stick blender.

I put the pot onto the stove over a low heat to stay warm while the jars finished off in the oven, then removed the hot jars and filled them straight away with the hot sauce.

I got 6 decent sized jars of sauce which I will use for pizzas, stews etc over winter.