Twin Blankets
Whenever my friends M & D come to visit in Winter, they always make full use of my knitted and crocheted blankets. They had both requested a blanket of their own and in February we finally got organised enough to chose a style and the colours they wanted and we placed the order.
They both chose the Cupcake Stripe Blanket from Attic24 so we ordered two packs from Wool Warehouse which contains everything you need, including an easy to follow printed pattern

Not long after the packs arrived we went into level 4 lockdown and we started working from home. This was conducive to blanket making as I was able to sneak in a few rows here and there while in video meetings and the first blanket was done in 3 weeks. I took a week off blanket making to knit some dishcloths and then started the second blanket which was also partly made in sneaky rows during video meetings and 3 weeks later another blanket was finished. Three weeks is definitely a record for me when it comes to blanket making.

They were both thrilled with their blankets and I am taking a break from blanket making for a while