Crochet / Handmade / Homemade

Temperature Blanket update #9

September the 21st marked the 6 month mark since we started our temperature blankets.  My official last row was green.  Sister is 3 weeks behind on her blanket as she didn’t take it on holiday with her so will post some pics of hers when it is finished.


I now need to sew in all of the ends and do a border so will do a full ta-dah of both blankets in all their finished glory.

I have started my second blanket and this time we have have decided to go with the Granny Stripe pattern from Attic24.   I have done 2 days worth and it looks like more pink and green coming up in the next week.  I really should have researched temperature extremes in my city before I embarked on this project!  Now that Spring is officially here, hopefully it will warm up soon!

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