Dishcloth Lovin’ Take 2
As promised, I have been furiously knitting more dishcloths, this time with a new pattern which is fast turning out to be my favourite as it is so quick and easy to knit up and has a lovely texture to it.
I don’t make mine as big as the pattern calls for, I knit the middle section until I have 13 ridges on the right side then start the second stocking stitch section. This makes for a nice square cloth. I have been knitting these ones with 2 strands of crochet cotton which is quite thin as I had a lot that was gifted to me and have also discovered a great source at Uncle Bills for only $2.50 per ball. I think the 2 different colours makes them really POP!
I have a nice wee stack of these in my Christmas pressie stash but I definitely need to make some more!