A Year of Thrift
Happy New Year! I thought I would give an update on my slow fashion journey throughout 2020. As mentioned in this post, I pledged not to buy any new clothes for another year after a successful 2019 of not purchasing anything new. I am pleased to say that I have successfully completed another year of no new clothes purchased. I did get some new to me items however, thanks to my love of thrift shopping. We did a trip up to Northland towards the end of the year and I got a few gems from that trip.
First up, we did a trip over the hill to Greytown in July and popped up to Carterton as well where I scored a red checked shirt and a green corduroy skirt for $2.00 each. The St Vincent de Paul shop in Carterton always has good bargains.

From the Wellsford Hospice shop I got a floral burgandy shirt dress for $7.00 and I also got a belt to match (not pictured) for $2.00

From the Hospice shop in Whangarei, I scored a 100% linen skirt which was too big for me but a bargain at $4.00. I took it in and up so now it fits perfectly

Also from the same shop I got a funky dress for $5.00 that makes you go a bit cross eyed when you look at it.

I found a lovely green summer dress for $8.00 at the St Vincent de Paul shop in Newtown. It is made from nice light cotton and has 2 layers

A colleague at work gifted me an Andrea Moore shirt that she no longer fit. It is made from the softest fabric, right here in New Zealand!

And last but not least, the Op shop gods were smiling on me on a recent trip I took to Auckland. I had been looking for a denim jacket for a while and I found this one in the Red Cross shop in K Road, the first Op shop of the day. My only complaint is that it doesn’t have any side pockets but not bad for $30.00

So no ‘new’ clothes but lots of ‘new to me’ clothes for the year. I have decided to carry on with my challenge for another year so bring on 2021 as another year of thrift