Handmade / Knitting / Lockdown Covid 19 / Sewing / Sustainability

Me made wardrobe

As well as adding to my wardrobe with thrifted items last year, I also did some sewing and knitting to give it a boost as well.  I had a bit of time under our first lockdown back in April so I sewed myself a couple of tank tops with some fabric I got in Auckland a few years back using style C in this pattern

I also made myself a dress with some fabric that I was gifted for Christmas 2019 using this pattern in style B.  This was a great pattern, very easy and the result is a great fitting dress that I always get loads of comments on when I wear it.  

I have also made 2 versions of this pinafore pattern, another easy pattern with great results.  The red one is made from heavy 100% cotton as a winter version and the blue one is made from 18% hemp 82% cotton that I picked up on a recent trip to Auckland for a light summer version.  Both versions have pockets and who doesn’t love a dress with pockets!

Also under lockdown I knitted myself a jersey using this pattern.  This is the first ever adult garment I have knitted.  I always get my mother-in-law to knit my jerseys for me as I get bored halfway through but this pattern was easy and quick to knit up and was done in no time

I also added another knitted jersey to my wardrobe under lockdown.  My mother-in-law had some cream wool that wasn’t enough for a whole jersey so I dug into my stash and sent her some colours and she knitted this pattern for me.

I love making my own clothes, there is something so satisfying about picking out the fabric and creating something unique and being able to say “I made it” when someone asks where you brought it.  Stay tuned, there is more sewing on the horizon which I will share with you soon!

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