Vintage and Thrift
Here in Wellington we have a number of great thrift shops to choose from and I visit quite regularly. Recently we made a trek out to Upper Hutt as we hadn’t visited the shops out there for a while and I managed to grab a couple of good bargains. From the Hospice shop I got a checked shirt with a bit of a cowgirl vibe for $3.00

At the Red Cross shop I found a purple velvet waistcoat which was only a size 8 and a bit small for me for $9.00. I unpicked the side panels and inserted a strip of black velvet and some black silk for the lining and it now fits me perfectly.

I also found a cute three strand pearl necklace from a great little vintage shop in the main street

A friend and fellow op shop enthusiast recently visited from Christchurch and we headed over to Kilbirnie to check out the thrift shops over there. She tried on a checked shirt which is from the surf label Rusty but luckily for me it was too small for her so I snapped it up for $6.00. It’s made from a nice soft cotton and is super comfy.

Another recent find from the Red Cross shop in Petone was this stripy cardigan that looked brand new which I got for $8.00

In July we made a trip up to Auckland and a must do for us when we are there is a visit to the awesome vintage and thrift shops on K Road. I found a very comfy pair of Burgandy Velvet dungarees at Smoove which definately had to come home with me.

I also found a mens Levi’s trucker jacket from the same shop which is made in the US of A which came home as well.

At Magic Hollow which is a couple of shops down from Smoove I got some very 90’s Gap denim dungarees and a Gap denim jacket.

We popped across the road to the Army Surplus store and they were having a sale of 30% off on their denim jackets so I got another one, this one is Old Navy.

So a few “new to me” things added to my wardrobe over the last few months. What exciting finds have you scored lately?