No Waste / Sewing / Sustainability

Rescued and Rehomed

A house across the road from ours is currently being renovated and a couple of weeks ago, there was a very full skip outside.  Hubby had been checking it out everyday on the way home from work to see if there was anything useful in it and he spotted a sewing machine but didn’t grab it.  The next day he mentioned to me that he had seen the sewing machine and I should go and check it out.  I went and had a look but couldn’t see anything so he came over and we unearthed it from under a printer and a blender and brought it home.  It was caked with dust so I gave it a good clean up.  The only problem was, it had no foot and I have a Janome sewing machine so we couldn’t even use the foot from my machine to see if it worked.  I did a bit of a hunt round on Ali Express and found a foot that looked like it was about right for $20.00 and ordered it.

The foot finally turned up today (with an adaptor so we could use it in NZ) and we plugged the machine in and it works perfectly.  I threaded it up and did a bit of sewing and the tension and everything is correct and it sews beautifully.  Since I already have a sewing machine, I am giving it to one of my cousins.  Great score for a total outlay of $20.00 and a perfectly sound and useful sewing machine was saved from the landfill.


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