Cotton dishcloth lovin’
A couple of years ago I decided to try to reduce the amount of waste our household was sending to landfill. One of the things I discovered while doing some research was cotton dishcloths. I loved the idea of these as the spongy ones that you buy at the supermarket disintegrate after a while and end up in the bin. The cotton ones can just be thrown in the washing machine and hung on the line to dry. If they get a bit smelly, I just soak them in a 50/50 solution of white vinegar and water before washing.
I have made a whole bunch of these as gifts over the years and introduced all of my friends and family to the delight of cotton dishcloths. I have made numerous patterns, including a set of Dr Who themed ones, and a quick search on google will bring up literally hundreds of patterns. The one I always come back to is the simple Grandma’s Favourite Dishcloth. I found the pattern online here Grandmas Favourite Dishcloth and it is perfect for beginners and more experienced knitters alike.
They are super quick to whip up and after finishing all of my Christmas Gift making last year, I pulled all of my dishcloth cotton out of the cupboard and embarked on a marathon session of knitting, ending up at the end of 2 weeks with 14 dishcloths. Christmas presents for 2017 ticked off the list (plus a few might sneak their way into my drawer)
Hi, it is good to see another NZ blog! Where do you buy the yarn for knitting dishcloths and what is the approx. cost to make them? With thanks, Melanie
Hi Melanie,
I buy mine online from http://www.woolwarehouse.co.uk – I use the drops love 5, and the drops paris and I can get 2 and a bit dishcloths out of each ball so they end up being between $1 and $2 each depending on the exchange rate. I have found the range in NZ to be very limited in the range of colours (white and cream) or else too expensive which is why I buy online. The orders normally take between 4 and 7 days to arrive.
Happy Knitting!
Hi Rachel, I took your advice and purchases some lovely cottons for dishcloths from wool warehouse UK and to my great delight they arrived within 3 days. Am now gearing up for major production! Love your blog, the photos are fantastic!! Very best wishes
Great work Fran, would love to see some photos when you have got them all knitted up!