Crochet / Handmade

Temperature Blanket update #4

I am in the pink this last fortnight with mostly pink rows.  I was pleased it was a bit cooler towards the end of the week so I could get some green rows done.

Cat model in action

This week looks like more pink for me!  I laid my blanket out for a photo and my model assistant was on it like a shot.  Try as I might, I couldn’t get her to stay off it long enough for a photo.  She is currently snuggled up asleep on it!

Sister had a couple of cooler days with blue rows popping up but slowly warming up with a yellow row yesterday.

The 2 blankets are starting to take on quite a different look from each other and I am excited to see how they progress as we make our way into Winter proper and Summer gets into full swing in the North.




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