2023 Sock Knitting Challenge
In December 2022, I set myself a challenge to knit 12 pairs of socks in 2023. I decided to do it as a stash busting exercise as I had 12 pairs of socks worth of yarn. If you knit socks, you will know how addictive sock yarn is (like catnip to cats!) so although some extra balls came into the house during the year, I managed to make a hole in my stash. I am pleased to say that I managed to get all 12 pairs knitted, details of which are already documented here on the blog. The photo below is 11 of the 12 pairs, one is with my Dad in Australia. They have been worn and washed lots of times over the winter. I am super stoked that I managed 12 pairs but I have other things to knit now so I will still be knitting the odd pair of socks and documenting them here on the blog but I don’t see myself knitting another 12 pairs next year!