No Waste / recycling / Sustainability

The fashion revolution

At the start of the year, I decided that I wasn’t going to buy any new clothes this year.  Full disclosure, I did buy 5 pairs of  undies last month. I was skimming through Instagram yesterday when I saw a post about Extinction Rebellion’s Fashion Revolution where they encourage everyone to buy no new clothes for a year starting at the end of April.  While some people may find their view a bit extreme, I think it is a good thing to try to reduce your consumption so I am encouraged to carry on.

To be honest, I have never been a big purchaser of clothes and generally only buy new stuff when I have something that needs replacing.  I have been lucky over the years to have friends the same size as me who regularly clean out their wardrobes and give me first dibs and we have some amazing second hand clothing and op shops in Wellington.  My favourite skirt is a black Kathmandu number that I got for $2 when I was visiting a friend in Christchurch and I wear it to work just about every day.  I have a great collection of vintage wool skirts, all from op shops, that I have paid anywhere from $8 – $45 for (the $45 was a bit of a splurge on a red tartan number at a shop on K Road in Auckland) including one that was made in NZ by Stephen Rose.

I have spent the morning swapping over my summer and winter wardrobes so i’m ready for the cold season with last seasons wardrobe and will post some outfits here for you so stay tuned!


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