Slow fashion
I am doing really well with my pledge to not buy any new clothes this year. I did buy some yarn for my mother – in – law to knit me a jersey but i’m not counting that as I consider knitting slow fashion and the end result will warm me for years to come.
As promised, here are some outfits from the past couple of weeks with details of where purchased from and number of years owned
Black skivvy the Warehouse 4 years, grey Cardi Cotton On 4 years, Grey skirt Esprit given to me by friend 5 years, tights purchased in Germany 5 years, boots TKMaxx London 2.5 years
Blue shirt op shop Christchurch $2 3 years, Cardi Primark London 2.5 years, Kathmandu skirt op shop Christchurch (best $2 I ever spent) 3 years, boots as above
Grey top Glassons 2 years, pink cardi and black skirt given to me by friend 3 years, boots purchased in Germany 5 years
Top given to me by friend 2 years, Cardi Glassons (only brought this because we went to Auckland for a wedding and I didn’t take a cardi and it was freezing!) 2 years, skirt Kathmandu 3 years, shoes Newtown Shoe Shop (been resoled once) 6 years
Striped top given to me by friend 3 years, Cardi Two Lippy Ladies 2 years, Jeans Jeanswest (love their curve embracer range, only jeans that fit me properly) 3 years, shoes Sports Direct Birmingham 7 years.
Lots of freebies and thrift shop finds in that lot and the youngest thing is 2 years old. I was just trying to think what I brought last year and I can only think of two tops for work, a linen shirt, a Chambray dress and one t-shirt that I brought new and one top for work from the op shop. I also got yarn for a jersey from the MIL. We are going on a thrift shop roadie in a couple of months so I will keep an eye out for some good bargains and keep you posted.