Everything Peanut Butter
Fix and Fogg have a new peanut butter flavour out. They are calling it Everything butter and it has peanuts, hemp seeds, almonds, pumpkin seeds. sunflower seeds, chia seeds, sesame seeds and flax seeds in it. I don’t normally buy peanut butter but when I saw this in Moore Wilsons a couple of weeks ago I grabbed a jar to try it out and also to see if I could recreate it at home. It was very tasty and our only criticism is that they added the pumpkin and sunflower seeds whole so it was a bit chunky and it was also a bit dry for my liking.
I had a go at recreating it at home (with one extra addition) and it turned out rather delicious.
500g raw peanuts
olive oil
salt to taste
1/4 cup raw almonds
heaped tablespoon pumpkin seeds
heaped tablespoon sunflower seeds
1 tablespoon flaxseeds
1 tablespoon sesame seeds
1/2 tablespoon chia seeds
1/2 tablespoon hemp seeds
1/2 tablespoon poppy seeds
Preheat your oven to 150ºC. Tip the raw peanuts into an oven tray and pop into the oven. Roast until they are to your liking but keep an eye on them as they can burn easily (voice of experience). I normally leave them for 5 mins then stir and do another 5 mins.
Remove the peanuts from the oven and leave to cool slightly. Tip into food processor and whiz until the peanuts resemble peanut butter. This could take anywhere from 5 – 15 mins depending on your processor. You might need to stop a couple of times to scrape down the sides. Once it looks peanut buttery, add the almonds, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds and as you are whizzing, add the oil until it is your desired consistency. Your almonds etc will be whizzed up but still a bit chunky. Add the rest of the ingredients except the salt and whiz to mix only. Add salt to taste and put into jar. I used a big jar and it filled it to the top. As you can see from the photo, it didn’t last long as it was DELICIOUS! I would definitely recommend making this at home. I will be making another batch this weekend.