Christmas gifts / Handmade / No Waste / recycling / Sewing / Sustainability

Christmas Decoration Making

Every year, as part of their Christmas gift, I give Christmas decorations to my brother and his family.  Most years I hand make them but I have occasionally been pressed for time and purchased decorations.  The most epic creations were from 2020 when we all had plenty of time for a certain 6 weeks.  This year I had time to make them a decoration each. I finished the last 2 today.

For my nephew L, I made a felt lion.  No pattern for this one, just eyeballed some pics on the internet and drew my own pattern for this.

For my step-nephew F, I made a Christmas tree from an old pair of jeans and practiced using the fancy stitches on my sewing machine.  I love how this turned out and will be making some more of these for myself.

For my sister-in-law H, I used some small embroidery hoops I repurposed from a previous Christmas decoration project and cross stitched Ho Ho Ho.  The ribbon is saved from a family Christmas a few years ago.

And for my brother, I made 2 sets of bells out of recycled nespresso pods that I got off a friend.  The bells hanging out the bottom are saved from Lindt gold bunnies.

I hope that inspires some Christmas crafting creativity in your house.

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